World Society for Virology | Prof. Laura Kramer
What is a WSV?
An Official society connecting virologists worldwide.
World society for virology was established in 2017 in order to link different virologists worldwide in an official society with no restriction based on income or physical location.[Press Here]
What are WSV's main objectives?
- Collaboration Help Guidance
- Build up a network of scientific collaboration
- Help virologists worldwide advance their careers and obtain awards
- Provide free educational resources
- Help virologists get scholarships and positions/jobs
- Provide guidance and remote assistance in case of outbreaks
[Press Here]
- Membership is provided without any annual fees.
- To be eligible to get the WSV membership you should send a request with a link to your publications in virology or virus related fields.
- If you a member in one of the partner virology society you are eligible to be a member.
Types of Membership
- Distinguished Membership Distinguished Membership are individuals selected by WSV who have demonstrated a career of achievement in virology.
- Membership A membership will be given to virologists who possess evidence of virology publications in internationally-recognized journals. A link for the publication record should be provided at the time of application. Early stage virologists, Master or PhD students are also eligible to this type of membership based on a recommendation letter of her/his monitor.
- Supporting membership It will be given to scientists or people who are interested in virology and agree to donate annually to the WSV.For joining request to the WSV please fill the required form by pressing the following link
Publications and important documents
II. Memorandum of Understanding (this “MOU”) is made by and between The International Vaccine Institute and WSV [PRESS HERE]
III. Publications:
1.Söderlund-Venermo, M., Varma, A., Guo, D., Gladue, D. P., Poole, E., Pujol, F. H., Pappu, H., Romalde, J. M., Kramer, L., Baz, M., Venter, M., Moore, M. D., Nevels, M. M., Ezzikouri, S., Vakharia, V. N., Wilson, W. C., Malik, Y. S., Shi, Z., Abdel-Moneim, A. S. 2022. World Society for Virology First International Conference: Tackling Global Virus Epidemics 2021. Virology, 566:114-121, doi.10.1016/j.virol.2021.11.009
2. Abdel-Moneim AS, Moore MD, Naguib MM, Romalde JL, Söderlund-Venermo M. WSV 2019: The First Committee Meeting of the World Society for Virology.Virol Sin. 2019 Dec 19. doi: 10.1007/s12250-019-00189-y FULL TEXT
3. Abdel-Moneim AS1, Varma A, Pujol FH, Lewis GK, Paweska JT, Romalde JL, Söderlund-Venermo M, Moore MD, Nevels MM, Vakharia VN, Joshi V, Malik YS, Shi Z, Memish ZA. Launching a Global Network of Virologists: The World Society for Virology (WSV) Intervirology 2017;60:276–277 FULL TEXT
IV. Meetings:
1.First Meeting of the World Society for Virology: Tackling Global Viral Epidemics Abstract Booklet | Presentations
2.Second Meeting of the World Society for Virology; One Health – One World – One Virology. Abstract booklet
WSV Members' Message
Société Mondiale de Virologie | Prof. Abdelouaheb Benani & Prof. Soumaya Benjelloun
Española| La Sociedad Mundial de Virología | Prof. Jesús L. Romalde & Prof. Flor H. Pujol
World Society for Virology 小原 恭子 | 世界ウイルス学会 |Prof. Kyoko Tsukiyama-Kohara
中文 | World Society for Virology | 石正丽 Prof. Zhengli Shi
Всемирное общество вирусологов |Модра Муровская| World Society for Virology| Dr. Modra Murovska
الجمعية العالمية للفيروسات |بروفيسور زياد ميمش
What virologists worldwide are Saying
I believe that the WSV will help in making modern and relevant science more accessible to research and public health stakeholders / decision makers through position papers. It will also help in constituting a platform for study, research and collaboration in Virology. In addition, the WSV will help in enhancing: health education regarding infectious viral diseases, joint research among virologists and training of professionals in virology.
João R. Mesquita

The concept of the World Society for Virology is one that should be fully supported. As scientists and virologists, it is to our benefit to collaborate, share ideas, and develop constructive relationships that will advance the field of virology. Unfortunately, in some cases this cannot easily happen due to constraints related to geographical location and funding. The core goal of WSV is much needed to supplement many of the amazing regional virology societies that exist, as it overcomes the impediments of location and funding by making a truly open and free society, and provides a potential platform for collaboration across multiple regional societies.
Matthew D. Moore

I conceive the WSV as a forum to diffuse relevant information in Virology and to share among Virologist all around the World. Relevant information can consist on breakthroughs and discoveries in Virology, news on outbreaks, and new treatments for viral infections. It can also include job opportunities, and grants and congress information. In addition, the Society would be most useful to detect particular unattended issues in developing countries. This would help to strengthen collaboration of virologists worldwide.