Dr Emmi Andersson is a Medical Doctor with specialisation in both Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology from Karolinska University Hospital (Sweden). She received her PhD from Karolinska Institute in 2019 with her thesis on molecular and epidemiological aspects of HIV-1 in Sweden. She has a broad experience in clinical virology from Karolinska University Hospital, and deep knowledge of HIV and hepatitis diagnostics, including HIV drug resistance.
She currenty holds a position as analyst and senior consultant at the unit for Laboratory Surveillance of Viral Pathogens and Vaccine Preventable Diseases at the Public Health Agency of Sweden (PHAS). She represents the national reference laboratory for Influenza and is responsible for the surveillance programme for SARS-CoV2 viral variants. She is active as an expert in many aspects of virology at PHAS, including surveillance of respiratory viruses, outbreak investigations, pandemic preparedness and virological aspects of transfusion and organ donation.
Emmi represents PHAS in the Swedish Reference Group for Clinical Virology and The Swedish Reference Group for Antiviral Therapy. She is a board member of the Swedish Society for Virology and member of the WHO European Laboratory Initiative (ELI) Core Group on TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis.
Emmi is affiliated to research at Karolinska Institute and her main research interest is the application of biomarker-based methods to estimate time-from-infection in newly diagnosed individuals with HIV-1, and the development of better epidemiological models to estimate undiagnosed HIV-1 infections in Sweden.