Acting head of the laboratory of molecular basis of chemotherapy of viral infections of Research Institute of Influenza, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Assistant Professor of Molecular Virology, Microbiology Department of the School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, National Expert at the Influenza and Other Respiratory viruses Disease Program at ECDC
Head of the Lab. Biología de Virus, IVIC, Caracas. Venezuela – Coordinator of Venezuela and Latin America Sectors of the World Society of Virology
Professor of Microbiology, Department of Microbiology, Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt
Ass. Professor, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA and currently, Assistant professor in the Department of Food Science at the University of Massachusetts, USA
Molecular Virology Laboratory, Defence Research laboratory (DRDO), PO Bag No.2, Tezpur, Assam, 784001 India
Research Director, Head of Viral Hepatitis Laboratory, Virology Unit, Pasteur Institute, Morocco
Laboratoire des Interactions Virus-Hôtes, Institut Pasteur de la Guyane, 23 avenue Pasteur
CIBIO / UP, Center for Research in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources / University of Porto, Vairão Agrarian Campus, Vairão, Portugal
Head of Avian Influenza Virus Laboratory, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Germany