Member of Training and Career Development Committee

Senior Research Scientist, Virology Department, National Institute of Biological Controls and Standards (NIBSC), United Kingdom (UK)

Member of the Council

Research Director at CNRS and Director of the Genomics and Structural Information Laboratory, France

Member of the Council

Professor, Head of the Department of Infectomics and Molecular Pathogenesis, CINVESTAV, Mexico

Member of Training and Career Development Committee

Deputy Director, Division of Virology, National Institute for Cholera and Enteric Diseases (NICED), Kolkata, India.

Member of the Membership Review Committee

Professor and Head of the Department of Virology, Veterinary Research Institute in Brno, and Head of the Laboratory of Arbovirology, Institute of Parasitology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Member of Training and Career Development Committee

Assistant professor, Vector Biology Laboratory, Kansas State University, Manhattan,USA

Ex-WSV-Vice President of the Latin America

Professor, Department of microbiology and parasitology, school of medicine of the University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. Ex- president of the Colombian Association of Virology, Ex-WSV-Vice President of the Latin America

Member of Training and Career Developing Committee

Senior Scientist – Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Agricultural Research Service – USDA

Member of Training and Career Developing Committee

Assistant Professor and Co-Director, CUHK-UMC Utrecht Joint Research Laboratory of Respiratory Virus and Immunobiology

Member of Membership Review Committee

Professor of Virology, National Institute of Virology, Indian Council of Medical Research , Pune , India – Coordinator of India Sector of the World Society of Virology