The World Society for Virology is a media partner in
XVIII International Parvovirus Workshop
The XVIII International Parvovirus Workshop will take place in Rimini, Italy, from 14 to 17 June 2022 as an on-site event. Online remote access will be provided.
The Workshop will be jointly organised by the Istituto Nazionale Biostrutture e Biosistemi (INBB), Italy, the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology and Rimini Campus of the University of Bologna, Italy, with the support of the German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany (DKFZ).
The on-site event will allow continuing the best tradition of the Parvovirus Workshops, offering the widest opportunity to scientists to meet, discuss and create networks, in a gratifying venue. The organization will provide the best opportunities for attendance, compliant to all safety rules that will be required in the next months to face the evolving COVID pandemics. The main topics and the scientific program will offer plenty of opportunities to present newest research and discuss all aspects of research on Parvoviruses. The XVIII International Parvovirus Workshop will be dedicated to the memory of our dearest colleague Mavis Agbandje-McKenna.
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